In the last year alone we’ve had a significant and lasting impact on the lives of so many street children.
adults trained in positive parenting
street children helped to develop and improve their social and life skills
street children and young people provided with medicine, food or clothing
young people provided with training in vocational trades
children and young people provided with emergency support as a result of COVID-19
children provided with psycho-social support
child leaders pledge to represent the voices of street connected children in Child Protection System forums or networks
children supported to share their knowledge about Child Rights with their peers
children and young people supported in 2020 either directly or indirectly
“We really felt their support and up to today, we are grateful for all they give us. They are always there. From the start they encourage us. For them, we were important.”
Feedback on our partner CONACMI in Guatemala
We attribute our success to the unique adaptive process we use. Monthly reviews of narrative and empirical data ensure our programs continue to have the biggest impact on the lives of the children we support.
In the last year we’ve done so much to change the lives of street children around the world. But there’s more to do.