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Child Ambassador programme El Salvador


  • Focus: Prevention
  • Location: El Salvador
  • Partner: Viva El Salvador

'The Child Ambassador programme offers children activities to protect them from danger, teach them their rights, leadership skills and build self-esteem and confidence. Child Ambassadors are elected by the other children in the project and hold this position for around two years before handing over to the next Ambassador. Each child will use the knowledge gained to help others – holding their own workshops and passing on the knowledge they have learnt. Through one child whole communities are helped. Equip street children around the world with knowledge and skills that will last them a lifetime - Join Toybox Lifetime.


Street children in El Salvador face extreme threats. Increasing violence and gang warfare has made it the most violent peace-time country in the world. Life here is so hard and unforgiving that many children are swept up by the initial appeal and protection of the gangs which can ultimately lead to a life on the streets.

Toybox’s Child Ambassador programme plays a key role in preventing children from becoming involved in these gangs and ultimately street life by teaching them vital skills to be able to look out for themselves, resist the lure of gang life and stay safe.


This project aims to reduce the number of children being enticed into gang life and street living through empowering the children themselves.

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